Our Vision

To create a society that reposes complete faith in Gandhiji’s golden principle of nonviolence and formulate all its actions on the basis of non-violence. Apart from trying to infuse Mahatma’s way of life in the life of every individual, Gandhi World Foundation, to the best of its ability, works with an earnest desire that all the statutory bodies in India and abroad adopt his cherished principles such as truth, non-violence, honesty, disciplines etc so that the entire world, sooner or later, emerges as a paradise of peace.
Our Mission

Gandhiji said, “If you want to have real peace in the world, start from the children.” Gandhi World Foundation, on the basis of the above advice of Mahatma Gandhi, engages itself in a series of programs that create interest in children to know about Mahatma Gandhi and to adopt his principles in the early part of their life so that the future society will witness a world as dreamed by Mahatma Gandhi.